Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Crazy few weeks

Bee coz I.... have been missing in action, I thought I had better throw up (not literally) a quick post!

I have been up to my eyeballs with my annual major event that I organised as part of my wonderful job. As usual I bit of more than I could chew but luckily (and through hard work) I didn't choke! The event was a huge success, thanks to some amazing young people I am working with.

Amidst the last few days of chaos before hand, my beautiful niece endeared this world (despite telling her to stay where she was until after my event) so I had a quick trip interstate but conned my mum and dad into helping me get some of my work sorted so I wasn't too far behind. When I got back about 38hrs before the event I had about 4hrs sleep on the tues and Wednesday nights (probably more than the new parents) so was not capable of blogging.

Then I had the usual celebratory weekend of fun that included karaoke, watching a friends band and a big stomp up the hills!

Then it was back to work for the end of financial year craziness and to clean up my desk!

Another quick trip to the quacks, looks like I have picked up bronchitis so back on the anti biotics to nip it in the bud!


L:chicken teriyaki, steamed rice and salad
D:cheese and cucumber sandwich (my new obsession)

Missed Zumba because of my chest.

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