Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 213 - still in snottsville!

Be coz I...squeezed (literally) in to my new skinny leg jeans I wore my new knee length boots and a jumper dress to work today.

I felt a bit odd in the outfit as the boots made me feel a little like a tart! I even took a back up pair of boots and ran it past the fashion police (Belinda) the vetdict ..out fit was good to go!

Got a few compliments (including from my boss lol) all of whom were male. So I'm still on the side of they look a little tarty lol

I'll take a picture next time!

Nothing much else to report, this head cold is still winning, missed deep water tonight but visited miss j as she turned two yesterday which was a nice distraction.

Night night Bee

Bfast: cereal
Lunch: as above
Dinner: 1 slice of chicken and mushroom pizza with cheese picked off ( couldn't be bothered cooking - didn't even enjoy it)

1 comment:

  1. I used to feel tarty in the boots until I went to Norway and sooo many people wore them. It was just a matter of getting used to it. Then here.. every girl and her dog wears it.. so 'tarty' here is wwwaaaayyyyyyy more than you can imagine.
