Bee coz I....am hols in 4 days I promise that will change!
Well the very silly season has hit, doing my best to balance things out between Christmas cheer and healthy living. Eg eating and drinking a few naughty things but doing lots and lots of exercise to make up for it.
Work Christmas party was the best I had way to much to drink and was talked in to singing in public (karaoke) I don't think I have done a public performance since I came to live in Australia 25 years ago and my work mate and I did a few, we even made everyone wave their arms to Robbie Williams Angels - boy were we merry!!!
The night ended with me putting myself on the bus home at 9.16pm (last bus for the night) and having to get off at Miss Jorja's for a Wee stop (literally) and a lift the rest of the way home!
I thought I might have my first ever hangover but no all was good in the world so I got my eyebrows done and hair done at the hairdressers - thanks Linda, best value hairdresser in the world!!! She even blow dried my hair strait for me!!!
With a hairdoo like that I just had to go out again but just for dinner and a movie! Saw the inbetweeners - so very wrong but so funny!!!
Well that's it only 3 more sleeps till the real silly season begins for me x x
Bye for now Bee
Lunch: chicken and salad buttie but I did pretend in my head that it had bacon on it!
Dinner: grilled chicken burger and 5 chips
Drink: lime and kiwi slushy - pretended that it was midori.