Monday, July 30, 2012

Incidental exercise

Bee coz I....has someone crash into my brick wall and drive off I got to spend Sunday morning in the rain moving and re stacking bricks. It was good exercise!

There were a couple of hundred bricks to move, most of the wall ended up on next doors garden so you can't see them all in the pic.

The blog has been playing up so hopefully it's fixed it's self now and the post goes up!

Well must race I'm off to boxing

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Olympic breakfast

Bee coz introducing apple back into my diet, I had a cracking idea to make a delish breakfast for while I am watching the Olympic opening ceremony. On went the slow cooker!

1 cup steel cut oats
3 cups of boiling water
1/2 small can of naturally sweetened apple pie filling
1 tablespoon of ginger infused honey
1 shake of cinnamon

Bung in the slow cooker before bedtime (on low) and whack it in the bowl in the morning and eat!

I add 1/2 teaspoon of chia seeds and linseed, sunflower and almond meal (LSA)

Now back to the opening ceremony
Bee x x

Thursday, July 26, 2012

3kg to go!

Bee coz I....stood on the scales this morning i got a nice surprise 1.5kg loss.

After doing up my tight pants very easily yesterday I was curious to see what the scales said. I have ramped up boxing and been very strict on my food intake, plus I have only just has a little bit of carbs yesterday in the form of 6 rice based wafers (see pic).

It's also good to have the sugar cravings under control, now it's just fingers crossed as I introduce bread into my diet on Saturday that I don't react to it! Then it's tackling the fruit after that which I know is where the allergies will be! So far at least I know I can have prunes and a tiny bit of dried mango.

This pic was my morning tea at staff meeting the food is awesome and I eat too much every week so I came in with my own protein based morning tea (and my krill oil and vitamin D capsules - sustainably farmed)

Well I'm off to a big day in the city that includes a dinner, I had to say I was gluten free so that I can at least eat something I will just ignore the starchy veggies on my plate and take a protein snack for if I can't eat much of the food :)

Have a great day!
Bee x x

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I love brown rice!

Bee coz I...hated brown rice when I first tried it, it surprises me now that I would pick it over white any day! What changed? My behavior did. No I didn't retrain my taste buds or anything exciting, I didn't make a commitment to the rice gods to only eat brown. I got lazy one day and bought a cup of microwave brown rice. 40 seconds in the microwave and bang yummy brown rice. It's a more expensive way of doing it but who cares, they also go in special every 8 weeks so I stock up.

Only problem is Billy loves these too and I am going through smoked tuna and brown rice and frozen veggies like I used to go through bread and peanut butter. It's much healthier for him so I don't mind.

Boxing was ace last night the instructor really mixed it up and we did more boxing than running this week so I was happy. I also partnered up with a lady called Jane and we were very well matched so it was good. I hope she comes next week too.

I stayed on for Zumba but was spent at the 3/4 mark and I was very unco but I stand by the fact that it helps with the soreness of boxing. Claire my awesome instructor is also happy I stay on and does not mind that I have lost it and do my "own groovy funky thing" her polite way of saying, just keep moving if you stuff up or can't do it :)

I had better get up for work byeee
Xx Bee

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Shoes glorious shoes

Bee coz I....was starting to get blisters from walking in my runners and sore legs from walking in 12yr old hike boots, something had to be done.

I popped into my favorite shoe shop called Active Feet. I showed them my hole ridden runners and the said they needed retiring, as I had warn them thin on the bottom. A few more runs or long walks and they would have gone for good.

A few turns on the treadmill and I was sorted for new runners, cross trainers and hike shoes (that can be warn all day).

They gave me a big discount maybe because I'm a loyal customer - got to be happy with that :)

Before I helped prop up the running shoe economy I squeezed in a lovely 7km walk around Birdsland with my friend Tracey C. As always (well in the last year at least) we talked, food, fun runs and training. Great company and I was surprised how far we went as the time flew!

Now it's off to bed to get lost of rest and recuperation before boxing and Zumba tomorrow.


Still on allergy diet - normal daily food diary will resume in 4 days.

Food glorious food!

Bee coz I...survived my two days detox, I am now into adding foods back in my diet - woo hoo.

I must admit for the first time in almost 10 months I have not felt itchy at all, I'm also a bit suspicious that my shampoo wasn't helping so after I have done the food thing I will switch back to my old shampoo and if the itch comes back I will know what that was all about. I will laugh if it is just the shampoo after all this food elimination lol

Anyway yesterday I got to make my first solid meal in 2 1/2 days, I was allowed two none green veg (green is always allowed) so I had tomato and mushroom and a little refined salt in the form of a low sugar dressing so I chose Worcester sauce and paprika - all good so far :) just for the record this whole meal is only 500cals! It was yum!

Went to a friends daughters play last night it was great but I was drooling watching people eat snacks and my friends daughter had to eat lots of sandwiches as part of her role and I could see they were peanut butter and was jealous lol

Still hanging for a bacon buttie - please don't let me react to bread!


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Warning sunny weekend coming up!

Bee coz to get out and about, I am super excited that my phone is telling me it's going to be a sunny weekend!

The biggest bonus is, my front lawn does not need mowing and the back is still a bit boggy to do! More time for walking. House work can be done at night!

It's also noticeably lighter this morning so running before work will get easier for when I start my training to run 10km, I have to wait one week after my cold went so that puts me in good time for when I finish my elimination/detox.

Body was battle weary from boxing but seems good enough for Zumba, will probably go for a walk today and tomorrow to make the most of some free vitamin D!

Happy days
(except I would kill for a bacon buttie)
Bee x x

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ding ding round two!

Bee coz doing a detox and elimination diet (only time you will see me use this word) for the next 8 days, I won't be doing a daily food diet, that was the only bonus I could think of for only eating bland food and certain foods on certain days. Other than that life goes on as usual - lucky for me because of the amount of exercise I do I can still have protein, starting with steak, then pork, cheese, eggs last but not least fish. Then different veggies and fruit with it. I will let you know how I go and if I last!

Yesterday was a busy day I didn't stop until after Zumba, when I fell in to bed at 9pm.

This morning the alarm rudely woke me up at 5.15am to go to boxing for 6.00am. It was with Carl my favorite gym instructor and it was well paced and he showed us great technique.

Busy day in work, phones were wild but we were rewarded with a nice sky as we left for the day (see pic) I also negotiated to change my hrs at work on Monday's just so I can go to boxing - happy days - I love my boss!


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rest day!

Bee coz a genius (some days) I have planned my exercise for the week around the new Punch Power classes.

So it was perfect timing for a rest day yesterday (tues) which was good news for my feeling slightly sorry for myself body.

I worked in the morning then spent the afternoon doing a few things on the to do list!

Fell into bed early and was out like a light! Unfortunately for me I dreamt I was running to catch a plane all night - probably because my legs are sore.

I have the new Zumba class tonight and Jane is coming :) happy days - I hope my legs and arms work by then - Bee

B:steel cut outs, prunes, LSA and Chia
L:chicken teriyaki subway on multi grain
D:fish and salad
S: cheese, couple of crackers and fruit.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Express boxing class - not so express!

Bee coz I...thought boxing was a new express 30min class I threw my self full steam in to it, then when the clock went past the 30mins I started to worry - I peaked to early.

What was worse there was an odd number so I scored the instructor, it was brutal. It was like a 60 minute personal training session for free!

I just about survived boxing, then as I was leaving, the Zumba crowd talked me in to staying - boy my body is going to hate me tomorrow but love me in the long run!

I'm off to have a very hot shower and enjoy moving while I can.

Bee x x

B:steel cut oats, prunes, chia and LSA (I almost typed LSD)
L:veggie soup, small bowl of pasta and yogurt 
S:toast with Tartex (vegetarian spread)
D: diet shake (home to late to do a meal)

Sent from my iPhone

Wild and windy

Bee coz a good bimble, the weather does not deter me very often. So despite the fact that it was cold and very windy Jorja and I went on a little adventure.

We drove to Cranbourne Botanical Gardens and Jorja hopped in the Ergo carrier on my back and off we went. Jorja has been sick, the whole family has so she was not 100% but needed to get out as she had cabin fever. Usually she hops in and out of the carrier but today she just wanted to snuggle into my back and enjoy the ride.

We just headed off with no plan and I let Jorja choose every time we had two different ways we could go. It was nice. We clocked up 6.7km before Jorja started throwing hints about finding the ice cream shop.

The adventure finished with an ice cream and play at the park then I dropped her off home.

The rest of the day was spent pottering around home in my PJ's the perfect end to the weekend.

B:steel cut oats, honey, LSA (linseed, sunflower and almond meal) and chia seeds - filling and yum
L:tuna and alfalfa sandwich and dried mango
D:small bowl pesto pasta and cereal

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pay back!

Bee coz I...had the food blow out yesterday, today I had to pay it back or work it off.

I went to Zumba, bright and early despite the late night and the need to take tissues with me for my almost gone head cold. It was a great class, I felt like I sweated off half my cold.

I came home and did a few things then headed off to the little lake (Birdsland) for a walk. When I got there I felt like a jog so I thought I would keep going with my return to jogging with early weeks of the couch to 5km program so that a week after my cold shifts I can start the training to do 10km run/jog.

I was flicking through the program on my iPhone then thought what the heck I'll just do a 30min run and see if I can do it, focusing just on stamina and form rather than distance. Surprisingly I survived and I didn't do to bad. I'm sure I have paid off those calories from yesterday.

Bee x x

B:diet shake
L:BLT on wholemeal and a slice of Edam cheese
D: rocket and mushroom salad with chili garlic prawns
S:blueberries and elderflower water

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Blow out!

Bee coz I...had a blow out today - of the food variety I will be going to Zumba tomorrow wether I am well or not. I shamelessly consumed a bag of beetroot, parsnip and sweet potato crisps/chips and a curly whirly - I'm not going to lie it was awesome.

Tonight I went out and had two small shandys, and bumped into my good friend Ange who insisted on kissing my face all night. Had a great time with Connie and her hubby Steve who did the last song of the night on Karaoke it was so funny everyone was singing.

Off to bed now after my busy day
Night night - Bee

B:diet shake
L:cheese and tomato sandwich
D:yoghurt and the food blow out listed above.
S:20g of walnuts
D:2 small shandys

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Crazy Days

Bee coz I....went to work today after two days off with a cold, I ran out of steam at about 3pm, I even considered having a coffee as I was so tired, I don't really drink tea or coffee. I muddled through the last two hours of work mostly because I did a few tasks that involved moving around.

I also had a delish lunch at work, far more successful than my breakfast on the run which caused me to be sick out my car window (rancid sustogen - purchased from an IGA store)

I raced home from work to take Billy for a new suit as he has lost 20kg's and his other one is to big (glad we checked a few days before his Yr 12 formal) he looked so handsome in it!

We had sushi for dinner then headed home to bath the dog and I trimmed the fur from around his eyes so he can see again.

Now I have jumped in bed as I was ready to go to bed at 3pm but lasted until 9.30pm so nighty night - Bee

B:don't ask 0 calories.
L: tuna and brown rice with rocket and snow peas, yoghurt and strawberries.
D:sushi then all natural peanut butter on toast.

They are growing!

Bee coz I...planted a load of broccoli ages ago that said harvest in 12 weeks (my arse) and at week 16 there was still only leaves I'm very excited to say that I'm definitely grown some of the yummy green stuff! Maybe it's 12 weeks from when you first see the bit you eat to when you eat it? Who knows but I can't wait!

I had a great dinner catch up with my friend Tracey C who has also been on a big health kick and is looking awesome, we have lost about the same amount of weight and are as addicted to exercise as each other, we talked about training, food and fun runs. I pointed out that two years ago we would never believe where we were now lol.

I'm still snotty so no late night walk in the cold with Jane for me tonight, I missed it but we are going to do Zumba next week instead of walking so that should be fun!

Nighty night peeps - bee

B:diet shake
L: tuna salad
D:1 1/2 curly fries small steak sandwich and veggies - yum

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Bee coz sick, this will be brief.

Did nothing all day!

B: cheese and mustard on multi grain
L: ricotta and spinach toasties
D:garlic prawns, cucumber and cough lollies
+ 2 lemsip

Told you it would be brief! Bee x x

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, July 9, 2012

4.5kg to go!

Bee coz still managing to eat well i am feeling very happy with how i am doing. The plan is limited/no treats for the next few weeks I am trying to get a bit of each food group in each day.

Got on the scales and I'm 1/2 kg down so it's 4.5kg to go before I start on the next goal.

Zumba was great tonight I'm getting better remembering the new songs and enjoying a few old songs that have come back.

My boss in work has designed a jogging plan to get me up to a 10km run in 10 weeks, not sure when I will start it as boxing starts next week too! I looked at it and told him I would try and I will give it 100%.

Well must go as I need to get an early night so I can run tomorrow ifmy legs are ok after Zumba.


L:as above
D:sushi :)
S:1 slice of toast with all natural peanut butter

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Old friends

Bee coz i...had not seen my old high school buddy since she left the school in '88 I was so excited to catch up with her for a walk that I locked my car and house keys in the car, lucky I had grabbed my hike boots so she swung past and picked me up.

It was like we had not seen each other for a week not 24 years, it's like that with good friends and I'm lucky that I have such good friends in my life. I bet it's not 24 years until we catch up again!

It was a nice walk around the lake with just a little bit of puddle jumping. Then she dropped me of to Rod and Tracy's to get spare keys. I refused offers of a lift home and squeezed an extra little walk in.

Legs are good now.

B:diet shake
L: soft shell tacos full of healthy stuff.
D:cupper soup and dried fruit

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Healthy taco's

Bee coz i....fancied Mexican, I whipped up these healthy mini taco's. They were delish and I probably could have eaten another few. I don't usually put rocket and spinach in but the combo really worked.

Woke up with crazy legs, put on some chinese herbal rub and my running pants for recovery and headed off to Zumba. Claire the instructor laughed when I told her my legs were killing and told me she had programmed lots of leg tracks. Great news is they are putting on another Zumba and boxing!

Later in the morning I went for a walk with the lake gang and carried Jorja on my back for most of the way. I had not realized that I had signed up for a personal training session with a 3yr old!

Theses were her instructions from her ergo carrier on my back...when I pull your ponytail run!

I must have jogged half the recovery walk! My favorite part was when she was making puffing and panting noises as it must have been so hard for her being jogged around. She also kept yelling...keep running we're winning.

The sun was out today and it was beautiful day.


B:diet shake
D:omelet made with left over noodles

Friday, July 6, 2012

Mexican standoff!

Bee coz I...did the Birdsland to Lysterfield walk today (50min pb) I got to have a Mexican standoff with a kangaroo.

The kangaroo was taller than me and he stood up on his back legs about 10meters down the track. I thought about putting my arm up above my head to make me look taller until I remembered that's what you do with emu's!

So there we were a Mexican standoff, I looked him right in the eyes and slowly moved my hands towards my pockets and reached for my iPhone camera - i won! that always works, off he jumped (camera shy)

My legs are dead - power walking 20km is not a good idea and I have a blister on my foot and sore but muscles. I'll have a nice bimble tomorrow to fix up my legs!

B:diet shake
L:feta and spinach sandwich and dried fruit
D:noodles - shared with max
S:cough lollies

On the road again!

Bee coz I....often have to squeeze my exercise in before work, in winter it is pitch black when I go out and hit the road.

I had been running in the dark at the duck park and bike track but I had a couple of near misses with bikes and one case of a spooky guy just standing watching, so I decided I had to do something different for winter. I am not supposed to run on concrete pavements but can run on roads so I get up extra early 5.30am-6am ish and the road in front on my house becomes a running track, there is more lighting than on the bike track and it's less isolated.

What about cars? Well I seem to live in an area with older people so the streets are fairly dead between 5-7am. I run towards the traffic so if and when I see a car I hop up on to the nature strip sometime I see the bin man but he knows I'm there as I wave to him (he is good looking for the record).

The pic shows how light it was when I finished my run this morning. It was very foggy but not so chilly.

Tonight I was invited out to my friend Andrea's birthday. I knew I was going so did not snack all day and kept my food intake down so I could enjoy my meal. I had my usual Bombay bliss. It's a wood fired thin pizza base with tandoori chicken breast, spinach and rita and I ask for less cheese - delish!

Happy birthday to my friend Andrea x x

Planing a walk tomorrow as I have the day off, fingers crosses the weather is kind.

Night all bee x x
B:weetabix - no honey just light milk
L:cucumber sandwich, yoghurt and fruit
D:Bombay bliss :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cucumber sandwiches

Bee coz I....have had a hankering for cucumber sandwiches I went out and got the ingredients so I can make them for work tomorrow, I even got white bread as I just don't think I could do it on brown or seeded! I will trade off for bran in the morning!

I just use thin slices of cucumber, cream cheese (phili) with white bread. No salt, pepper or butter)

Today was a fantastic day but again it rained before and after work! The long range forecast is for a nice weekend. I also have Friday off so don't hang your washing out as it will rain.

Good night on tv tonight so I'm off to bed to watch it - bee

L:tuna salad and brown rice
D: chicken breast and veggies
S: I egg, 6 prunes and 15g nuts

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Home alone day 4

Bee coz I....have been home alone for 4 days - as Billy is in Tassie, I have been enjoying lots of little perks like:
* Watching TV in the lounge room
* Holding the TV remote
* Cooking the foods I like
* 20 mins extra in bed in the morning
*singstar every night.

I have missed Billy but it is nice to know he is having fun in Tassie.

My body pulled up well after Zumba last night, I was going to do a run tonight but I ended up working back tonight then I start early tomorrow and finish early so if it's not raining I will squeeze a run in then.

Off to the land of nod soon so I best be off - nighty night peeps
- Bee

B:diet shake
L:scrambled eggs on toast with feta, fruit and yoghurt
S: nuts
D: soup and toast

Monday, July 2, 2012

Goal setting

Bee coz I...know i always do better when I have a goal, I have set a new goal to lose 5kg in 12 weeks, do that takes my up to 1st October which is the date I started my health kick on 2 years ago. I will do everything in my power to get there!

Today was a great day on all fronts, I ate well, went back to Zumba. I also weighed in this morning with no change from last week so it's still 5kg to get to 40kg's hence the deadline.

Once I beat this 5kg's I will aim for another 10kg then I will sit on that.

The pic today is of my delish salad last night. It was a lashed together meal but it was so tasty. Today's food was nice but not as yummy as yesterday's.

Well I'm off because an idiot abroad is starting - love me some Carl Pilkington.

Bee x x

B:weetabix and milk with honey
MT: toast (wholemeal)with a thin layer of peanut butter
L:feta on toast, banana on toast and fruit & yoghurt
D:diet shake

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lysterfield Lake

Be coz i...decided to walk the lake even though the weather had turned nasty and it was wild. 

It was hailing as I was walking on the dam wall! I walked the wrong way around as I new all the flooding would be at one end so left that to last as I knew my feet would get wet. 

There were so many Kangaroos at the lake, more than I have ever seen before, it was amazing and made me forget that I was very wet.

I came home and cooked a very nice dinner and had a hot shower and lounged around in my onesie.

 A perfect afternoon really - Bee

Sent from my iPhone

1st July 2012

Bee coz child (18yr old) free for the next 10 days I am using this time to knuckle down and get into action. No naughty treats except 1 cider a week. Healthy eating all the way.

Today being the 1st day of the second half of the year is a good starting point, I will do my best to blog daily even if it's just a short one with my food diary.

This afternoon I am going for a bimble around the lake as its a bit wet to do a huge walk. Then i'm coming home to a nice steak and salad.

Better go and dig out my wet weather gear.

Bye for now

Bee x x

B:diet shake
L:2 pita pizzas with zucchini,peppers,tomatoes,Parma ham and hallumi.
D:steak and salad
S: sultanas