Bee coz I had an email questioning how I should lose more with all the exercise I am doing and what I say I am eating etc I would just like to clarify that I do record what I eat except for chewing gum, the odd breath mint or recently soothers, you will also note that I don't skimp on my meal sizes nor do I count points or calories. I just eat fresh and healthy with a bit from all food groups.
I am happy with my weight loss and feel it has been rather fast and easier than ever before. I have treats every now and then I'm sure I could do better but what I am doing is right for me!
I'm sure the odd day I forget to write something down like the strawberries I did not include in my food list but were in the picture day 224 I'm only human and this blog has never been or never will be anything more than my ramblings, I don't pretend to be a nutritionalist or exercise guru so if you after that you might need to find another blog.
Other news for the day I am a winner! They pulled a name out of a hat at the gym for a free buddy pass for a week and a towel and drink bottle! My name was pulled - happy happy happy!
Also booked a trip to Tassie for two night so stay tuned - bee
Bfast: branflakes
Lunch: as above, toast with phili soup and STRAWBS
Dinner: white bread roll with cheese and salad! See that was a treat, and yoghurt