Friday, August 24, 2012

Too busy to blog

Bee coz I...have 20 extra fingers and toes at home at the moment I have been having far to much fun to be blogging!

Jorja (3) and Max (very close to 1) have come to party for a few days, I knew the first two days would be the busiest as I still had to work and a couple of extra curve balls were chucked at us so we got even busier, but we have pulled through the busy bit with flying colours and are on holidays now do the pressure is off - party time!

The kids are doing great, Max likes a cheeky feed in the middle of the night but I'm happy with only one get up and we are down to 15mins till back in bed, these kids are unbelievable at going to bed! Jorja asks to go and one quick song and she says goodnight until the morning. Max has a cuddle a few rocks and off to the land of nod!

I just hope their mum and dad are enjoying a few nights of unbroken sleep and sunshine on their holidays!

Not sure what we will get up to today, maybe a little trip to the park if the weather gets better and some chillaxing - stay tuned, I'll fill you in when I get a chance

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