Bee Coz I….got up at 5.30 am to do a pump class, I got to see a great sunrise with wicked red sky, then I remembered why I love pump, I had not been for about a year and have been avoiding going back to this class, I think I was scared of the pain! but it is a great class and I didn’t go overboard on the weights so I can feel I have done the class but I have not gone overboard! By the way my calves have come good today.
I popped in to the supermarket on the way home and picked up some shaved turkey breast, I wish I had a better idea on how much to ask for $6.90 and 200g later I realized 50g would have done! Billy does not like turkey so its going to be a boring turkey filled week food wise. Discovered turkey is great in rice paper rolls so that’s a good save. And a very nice dinner indeed.
Couldn’t do our walk tonight as it was raining, so I will go to body balance later, I love living this close to the gym.
Some bummer news today was that my bestie who lives in the countryside cant come to the bbq on Saturday, but on the upside I found out that she has been on a health kick too! 7kg lost SNAP! We shared some war stories about boot camp and jogging, it was nice having someone relate to my pain, after I lose my 20kg’s I might give boot camp a go hmmmm maybe not, I have a while to think about it!
Well gotta go and get ready for BB
Byeeeeee Bee
bread roll guts |
B’fast: tuna and yoghurt
Lunch: Tartex on whole meal roll (with guts pulled out) and baked beans.
Dinner: turkey and veggie rice paper rolls.
Snack: slice of toast (S&L)
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