It was a nice night so we sat out in the beer garden and chatted.
Did the usual training today - Zumba and interval training and then did a spot of house work and op shopping.
Bfast: diet shake
Lunch: ham and salad sandwich
Dinner: as above :)
Bee Coz I… Like talking to myself I occasionally Blog. I am on a health kick, I'm not perfect and I do best when I stick to my own eating plan, I love to walk and Zumba too (not at the same time) I have never really kept a diary but to help keep on track this will do! I can guarantee it will be boring, full of grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and the odd made up word (if Shakespeare can make up words so can I) so consider yourself warned. -Bee
It was a nice night so we sat out in the beer garden and chatted.
Did the usual training today - Zumba and interval training and then did a spot of house work and op shopping.
Bfast: diet shake
Lunch: ham and salad sandwich
Dinner: as above :)
my god dinner looked good, and I am sure with all the exercise you are doing you could have eaten a couple of those chips. But your willpower is legendary, well done. xx