Bee coz I....had to go to a party tonight I had for the first time in many years a clothing crisis. Normally I don't give two hoots what i wear (ask my auntie Di or mum, they will confirm that I have been like that since I was little)
I have never been one to worry if things don't match or colours clash. As a child I thought nothing about a nice cord floral red dress with a mixed shade knitted purple polar neck, green wooly tights and brown shoes (I still don't see what the problem was Auntie Di) i always remember mum giving us the freedom to pick our own clothes which i loved (thanks mum) as an adult I learned to go with black pants or jeans and a colored top who cares what shoes or bag!
Until today! Not sure why but all my life I have wanted a sparkly sequined top (I'm serious stop laughing) and the other day, with a birthday voucher from mum and dad, that dream came true!
Coupled with an invite to be my bestie in works plus one at a party the scene was set!
I chose my black denim jeans, ace silver (gun metal) top and a black cardy and black boots and new black matching under wear ( ironically I love matching underware) I put the outfit on and shocked myself. I looked in the mirror and I could actually see the weight I had lost, i got all self conscious! Like what I wear matters!
Then I looked down and was shocked by my own cleavage. I suddenly panicked and felt I needed an opinion! Was the top to booby? Will someone think I am a hooker? The party was in St Kilda- I had to consider that fact. So I rang three mates who live near by for a second opinion- no one was home Panic!
Sent a text message to Bel, who said it will be fine (she is the fashion police) and headed out to meet her out the front of the venue (threw a spare top in car- just in case)
Met Bel outside the fair (see above pic) and she loved it! Plus no one asked me "how much?" while I was waiting for Bel so I felt i passed :) booby top was a winner!
Had a great night, 80's music, free diet coke and 3 pieces of finger food delish!
A great night was had by all - kind of made all the hard work worth it! Bee
Bfast: toast with avocado
Lunch: soup and fruit
Dinner: 3 pieces of finger food and 3 diet cokes (well it could have been worse)
I want to see a picture of the top, it sounds fab!