Be coz I....have known Mucker and his family for many years (Jane, my friend who I walk with on Wednesday's and Mucker are brother and sister) I feel I know him and them quite well, I have been to his house many times.
Then just when you think you know someone... You find out they have a Feijoa Tree!
I have loved Feijoas since i first tasted them on a holiday to Australia when I was ten. I have on and off had a supplier up until about three years ago, I am always saying to people with gardens (eg Gee and my dad) " you should try growing Feijoas".
Well I was over at Mucker's and we were just out on the veranda and looking at all the fruit trees in his garden and I said " you should try growing Feijoas" he looked at me oddly and said "Feijoas" in a slightly different way ( I have an accent so that's not unusual) I said yes and started to describe them, he just got up and said come with me and took me into the kitchen and there was a huge basket full of them, "where did you get them" I said, in an almost accusing manner and he said "off our tree" he then took me out the front, as I was stuffing the delicious find in my mouth and there they were all over the front garden I looked up and there were 2 big trees ( the only ones I had seen were bushes) it was like the Easter bunny had been only instead of eggs he has left little bundles of goodness all over the floor!
Happy Easter indeed!
Then he grabbed a plastic bag and we picked a bag full, just thinking about it, it must have looked like two adults having an Easter egg hunt to passers by lol
Then we had a great arvo watching dvd's, sitting on the veranda, looking at stars and watching planes take off miles away as they were coming towards us we could see them turning off their takeoff lights. It was great!
Hope you all had a good Easter too x x Bee x x
Bfast: branflakes (was suppose to be sushi but that's another story)
Lunch: quon sausages with a spoonfull of mash, peas and gravy YUM
Dinner: crackers (shapes to be exact), Feijoas and 2 low cal pink grapefruit breezers.
Snack: 5 prunes (no chocolate for me)
You are so disciplined! I'm very proud of you!