Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 246 - I'm not scared

Bee coz I....often go walking in the dark i'm not really intimidated by it, I am sensible though and would not walk down the bike track in the dark but am happy wondering along the main roads on my own.

Give me an odd colored sky and I think that frightens me more! If it's dark then it's just dark, happens everyday etc but a spooky sky dose not happen to often!

I think this sky spooked me because it reminded me a bit of the sky on black Saturday, glowing in spots but dark in others. Really it was just a cloud full of hail waiting to dump.

For the record some of it dumped on me when I went out to drop a birthday prezzie off to Mucker.

It was freezing today and it's going to be colder tomorrow, we don't usually get this until the end of June. I am really feeling the cold with my body insulation reduced since last winter. Plus I don't have may clothes at the moment so often have about 5 layers on, lucky I like the layered look!

Well I had better go, if your in Melbourne don't forget to rug up tomorrow x x Bee

Lunch: soup with hommus on toast followed by yoghurt.
Dinner: small bowl of ravioli

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