Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I love brown rice!

Bee coz I...hated brown rice when I first tried it, it surprises me now that I would pick it over white any day! What changed? My behavior did. No I didn't retrain my taste buds or anything exciting, I didn't make a commitment to the rice gods to only eat brown. I got lazy one day and bought a cup of microwave brown rice. 40 seconds in the microwave and bang yummy brown rice. It's a more expensive way of doing it but who cares, they also go in special every 8 weeks so I stock up.

Only problem is Billy loves these too and I am going through smoked tuna and brown rice and frozen veggies like I used to go through bread and peanut butter. It's much healthier for him so I don't mind.

Boxing was ace last night the instructor really mixed it up and we did more boxing than running this week so I was happy. I also partnered up with a lady called Jane and we were very well matched so it was good. I hope she comes next week too.

I stayed on for Zumba but was spent at the 3/4 mark and I was very unco but I stand by the fact that it helps with the soreness of boxing. Claire my awesome instructor is also happy I stay on and does not mind that I have lost it and do my "own groovy funky thing" her polite way of saying, just keep moving if you stuff up or can't do it :)

I had better get up for work byeee
Xx Bee


  1. you plate up very well,and make ordinary things look tasty
