Bee coz I....have been home alone for 4 days - as Billy is in Tassie, I have been enjoying lots of little perks like:
* Watching TV in the lounge room
* Holding the TV remote
* Cooking the foods I like
* 20 mins extra in bed in the morning
*singstar every night.
I have missed Billy but it is nice to know he is having fun in Tassie.
My body pulled up well after Zumba last night, I was going to do a run tonight but I ended up working back tonight then I start early tomorrow and finish early so if it's not raining I will squeeze a run in then.
Off to the land of nod soon so I best be off - nighty night peeps
- Bee
B:diet shake
L:scrambled eggs on toast with feta, fruit and yoghurt
S: nuts
D: soup and toast
well done food looks yummy