Bee Coz I have been very sick i have been missing in action!
I started to get sick again on Tuesday last week (day after my last blog) by Wednesday i was just managing to work, forget trying to exercise, a walk was all i could muster. I thought it was just a cold but as the week went on i went down hill until i found it hard to talk without getting tired and was having to hold my chest when i went into a coughing fit. On Sunday Tracy and Rod dragged me to the quacks as Tracy needed to go too and i went because i had no energy to argue, result was i had a cold, bronchitis and pleurisy, so was put on 10 days of anti biotics. I hate medicine but even i knew i needed it!
I was told to take a few days off and rest up. On Monday i was laying on the couch like lady muck when Rod called and said "what are you doing tomorrow" i said "probably going back to work if the drugs kick in" he then told me that it was going to be Billy's an Jorja's baby to be's birthday. (Rod is my son's Billy's dad and Jorja is Billys little sister courtesy of Rod and Tracy, we are still best mates = weired but it works for us).
With that news i jumped off my death bed (aka couch) and got ready to inherit Jorja while they went to have the baby.

The result: Billy (17) and Jorja (2) played in the park waiting for their little brother to be born....Meet Max the new addition to our crazy family.
It was a busy week, with me trying to run around after the cutest 2 yr old girl in the world, trying to get well again and keep up with life. So blogging was last on my to do list.
I went in to work on Thursday as Jorja had childcare but had Fri off. Friday was great, energy was coming back pain in my lungs was gone so Jorja and i had a fun day but i think i did a bit too much as i was tired Sat and my lung pain was back. I handed Jorja back yesterday arvo then went and did all the things that are easier to do minus a 2 yr old, shopping, rest of the house work, then hung out a Connies for the evening until it was time to pick Billy up from work.
I sat in the rain in my car for 50 mins waiting for Billy to finish his first shift at his part time job but i enjoyed every minute of the peace and tranquility.
Then it was off to bed! Bee x x
I have not eaten much, but have not eaten well so i was glad to see there was no chance on the scales (i even checked on my spare set as there has been no change for weeks lol) i am a champion maintainer it appears! With the weather changing to summer i hope thats all about to change, once i'm 100% well i'm going to knock a few more kilo's on the head :)